Crystals are symbols of wealth and power and have been prized for millennia by healers, shamans and priests for their curative powers. Crystals are known to be the most orderly matter in the universe. As coherence is a stronger natural force than chaos, introducing order into a disorganized state, like placing a crystal on an aching muscle, can increase the chances of the imbalance or disharmony returning to stability and order. The therapeutic powers of crystals can be channeled to help balance bodily systems and emotions and to heal everyday complaints and ailments from headaches, migraine and stress, insomnia and lack of concentration.
The simple, powerful resonance of a crystal with its locked-in power of ancient fire and unique purity of form may help us reinstate our own balance and harmony. Crystal healing combines the color of stones with the appropriate ‘Chakra’. The color of a crystal will always indicate its main energy function.
** A wide variety of energised crystals are also available for sale.
Crystal Healing Services offered
• Stimulate, Activate and Energize the Chakras
• Boost energy flow and treat blockages
• Helps in strengthening and preserving the body’s systems
(e.g. nervous, digestive, immune)
• Meditation with crystals for Higher connection
• Helps in grounding and centering
• Enhance communication both internal and external
• Resolve emotional issues and clarify direction in life
• Relieving pain
• Releasing stress and aiding concentration
• Help in restful sleep
• Enhances home and workplace